Adaptive Programming
We were early implementors of some of the concepts around adaptive programming – particularly in designing “politically smart” approaches which emphasised engaging counterparts in reforms that were politically and institutionally feasible within the unique circumstances of each location. We apply these approaches not only to our work directly with governments, but also to empowering citizen groups to use and apply simplified adaptive management tools (to identify engagement opportunities and strategies that are likely to succeed).
Nigeria PERL Engaged Citizens Pillar
Location: Abuja, FCT, Nigeria
We were a core partner leading on federal level engagement between citizens and state on DFID Nigeria’s flagship public sector reform programme. In ECP, our team worked to develop transparent systems to support the government’s anti-corruption efforts – by providing technical advice on federal level political economy, and improving transparency in PFM systems to enhance the capacity of citizens, civil society, and parliament to track the use of public monies.

Other areas of focus
We also supported the implementation of Nigeria’s Open Government Partnership commitments, and led on engaging citizen monitoring of the implementation of Nigeria’s social protection programme. This work follows a Federal Public Administration Reform (FEPAR), where we oversaw the External Accountability component on parliamentary and CSO engagement; including grant management and capacity building.
We also helped to develop FEPAR’s PDIA approach to issue selection and intervention – successfully supporting a joint citizen/CSO and government effort to monitor the distribution of agricultural input subsidies.